Pre-Depature Problems
Once upon a time, there was
conceived in the mind of Fr. Steven Borello a mission trip to Kolkata, India
with a group of seminarians. The first
year was a success, so he began planning year two. As the twelve seminarians began to sign up, visas,
passports, and prescriptions were on everyone’s mind. Most guys had a fairly straightforward
process in acquiring theirs, but there were a few cases in which extra measures
were needed.
Ryan applied for his passport over
the summer (approximately 6 months before our trip). After waiting two months, he still had not
received his passport, so he called to find out about the delay; they informed
him that there was no record of his passport application and that he needed to
submit a new one. Thankfully, there was
still time, and the seminary was kind enough to cover the cost of the second
passport, and to be safe they expedited the next application. He finally received his passport around
November (two months before the trip) when he was contacted and informed that
there was an error on his passport and that he needed to get a new one. After three attempts, Ryan finally received
his passport and was set to go to India.

I personally had issues with
acquiring both my passport and medicine for malaria prevention. My situation
was a bit more complicated than some of the other men as I will be going to
Rome to study abroad after Kolkata, so I needed to account for both countries. This meant that I needed to submit my visa
application with my passport to the
Italian Consulate in Chicago and get it back in time before the mission
trip. This is not normally an issue, but
in the week before the trip (the week of Christmas), I realized that I might
need to do something about this. I went
to the consulate on Wednesday where I was informed that they might be able to
get me my passport by Friday, but they made no promises. Keep in mind that we
were leaving that Sunday, and the Consulate office is not open on
weekends. I left the consulate a little
dejected with the intent of coming back Friday regardless of whether or not
they contacted me. On my way home, I
decided to pray a rosary, and not more than five minutes after finishing, the
Consulate called to inform me that they would have my passport available on
The other issue I encountered was
in acquiring malaria medicine. I had
gotten a prescription from the Health Services office at my school, and I
brought it to my local pharmacy the week before the trip. Everything seemed to go okay after I handed
in the prescription, but I later received a call notifying me that I needed the
doctor who filled the prescription to fill out a pre-authorization form for my
insurance. Again, this is not normally
an issue, but since the doctor was from the clinic at my school, they happened
to be closed that whole week due to the holiday break. This meant that this form could not be filled
out by that doctor before the trip. I
was able, in the end, to have another doctor make the same prescription and
fill out the form. I finally got the medicine (and my passport) on Friday, two
days before we left for India.
To top it all off, James misplaced
his prescription for malaria medicine.
He did not realize this until the day before our flight when he was no
longer at home and did not have the convenience of his own doctor. He resolved the issue by going to an urgent care
facility and simply asking for the necessary prescriptions. The doctor, thankfully, wrote them without
question, only asking to listen to his lungs.
After several other last minute
scramblings to acquire necessary documents and supplies, we finally reached the
day of departure with everything we needed.
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